I am István Kis cabinet-maker and cabinet-restorer. I work in this profession for 20 years since I left school. I am private entrepreneur since 2005. During this time I dealt mainly with cabinet-restoring. It is a nice job which requires serious attention.
I apply exclusively traditional methods on the old furnitures which outlived different generations and ages and if they miss some of their parts I make them complete by using only authentic pieces of wood. I treat their surfaces with traditonal shellac polish and bee wax just as it was done to them 80-180 years ago.
Please click here to look at more pictures about the furnitures I restored!
In addition to restoring I take on making one-off kitchen cupboards even after on computer spectacle design in order to find the combination of materials, colours and arrengements that gives the greatest enjoyment to the costumer.
Please click here to look at more pictures about the one-off kitchen cupboards I made!
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